Pick Lotto Numbers Help: Dictionary of Terms Pick Lotto Numbers home

Dictionary of Terms

Failed Run
Run for which at least one number could not be generated. In this situation one of run counts achieved "Max # of Attempts".

Filters Consistency
Given specified ordinal filters there exists a set of numbers for selected game that permited by filtering lists however, probablity of all consistent sets may be very small, and to get actual result of run may requiere many attempts.

Inverse Filter (for an ordinal)
List of numbers that can not be included in result of run for the specified ordinal. List may contain up to 15 numbers.

Max # of Attempts
Maximal number of attempts that lotto engine can do trying to get random number that contents statistical data and filter list for the ordinal.

Order number in list of numbers, e.g. 2,21,34,45,56, [45] ordinal of 45 is 4, ordinal of power number [45] is 6.

Straight Filter (for an ordinal)
List of numbers that can be included in result of run for the specified ordinal. List may contain up to 15 numbers.